This letter is to thank you and your team for a job well done on the sale of my Inglewood Apartments and the successful exchange into a property closer to my home. Your team was very helpful throughout the process and was always there when I had a question or needed anything. I would highly recommend you to anyone for the sale or exchange of their property.

- Arthur Hopkins
I was very pleased with the personal attention I received, the marketing of the property, the screening of potential buyers, and the support you provided.
- J. Aranguren

You and the entire Cohen Group were an extremely valuable asset to the Foundation, and your value was reflected in the outcome of the sale. I truly attribute the success of the transaction to you and your companies’ marketing ability, your deal management/negotiation skills, and your overall “get it done” attitude.

- Eric Grodan, California Community Foundation
Thank you for your excellent work on our behalf . . . the building has been an important part of our family for decades. We don’t regularly buy and sell apartment buildings, so your expertise was particularly helpful . . . you expertly navigated some very tricky, unanticipated situations in the escrow . . . a less experienced agent wouldn’t have been able to work everything out so satisfactorily.
- Charles Klipp
We have been involved in a number of real estate transactions over the years but the recent sale of our apartment building with you as our agent was, by far, the fastest and smoothest! Your marketing strategy to collect multiple offers, invite all bidders to inspect the building and individual apartments at the same time to generate competition and then ask each bidder for a “best and final” offer was more successful than we could have imagined.
- James And Vicki Cunningham
This was the first deal that we have done together and I was impressed by the efforts you put in to ensure a successful outcome. The purchase of this building had particular challenges, not the least of which was working through the knots left in place by the seller In question. We were also on a tight timeframe based on my desire to close by year end. Notwithstanding, you and your staff accomplished what was necessary in a conscientious manner. It was clear to me that you were willing to do what was necessary to gel the deal done in a way that would be satisfactory to all parties. I look forward to working on many future transactions together and would highly recommend your services.
- Fred Leeds

When we chose you to help us to sell the property, we expected you to do a good job, but you have exceeded our expectations based on the sale price that we received, the coordination with us and the time it took to close the deal. You did an excellent job! If at my time we need to buy or sell property, you will be our agent because you earned our trust.

- Hasan A. El-Hasan
“Thank you for your excellent work during the sale process of my San Pedro apartment building. This was not an easy sale, especially considering the difficult times we find ourselves in. I want to thank you for your professionalism at all stages of this transaction.”
- Vijay Krish
“When the sale brought in several viable offers, your analysis was instrumental in helping the partnership choose the best offer”
- Cynthia Lewis Beck
“Ever since our first interaction, about ten years ago, you have been a constant source of great information on the multi-family market, and trends. You have kept us in mind for a number of potential deals that were ideal for my long-term plans.”
- Marc Panetta
“I was amazed at how smooth and seamless the entire process was! You coached the Buyer beautifully, and were able to get them to not only increase their initial offer, but also remove all of their contingencies immediately.”
- Robert Pszyk

“We are so pleased we selected you for this disposition. Your easy-going yet professional demeanor was a perfect fit for us. Thank you again for your expertise and making the sale of the Cameo apartment a stress free and smooth process. ”

- Karla Richmond

“I remember meeting you in 2010 when we had first considered selling. I recalled your calm, polite, confident, reassuring manner, but most of all that you were not pushy, and had our best interests in mind.”

- Terence Johnson

There were lots of balls to juggle and you handled them all beautifully. I highly appreciate the candor and professionalism you demonstrated and for keeping me in the loop each step of the way. You helped me through this difficult period and I always felt in good hands. Without question, I will recommend you to anyone who wants the highest degree of professionalism and the very best treatment when selling their property.

- Beverly Dry

You presented us with an excellent opportunity and then went above and beyond the call of duty in overcoming the challenges that arose in closing the deal. You come highly recommended.

- Kyle Kazan, Managing Member

I have been part of many real estate transactions, and this was by far the smoothest one. Not only did you sell the property above list price, you did it in a timeframe that fit my needs perfectly.

- Ricardo Caceres

We hope future transactions are managed by an investment specialist as professional and experienced as Josh Cohen.

- Steven Ludwig, Principal, Coastline Capital Partners

From our first contact, you were professional, well prepared and pleasant to work with. Your follow through was exceptional. We were always informed during the sale period, negotiations, and closing.

- Johanna And Stan Corbett

You name it – we have done business with every commercial real estate company out there. We want you to know that you are far and away the best agent we have ever worked with – period. All you have at the end of the day is your word and your reputation. To us, your word and service are gold. We were pleased with every phase of our disposition and will use you again and again.

- Donna Porter, President And Dennis Cardwell, Vice President, Coast Framing, Inc.

Thanks for . . . pulling the whole deal together, especially your ingenuity in crafting flexibility into the transaction – your work really helped us sell this property within 14 days by overcoming REAP, management and defaulted tax issues. You guys are amazing! Nice going!

- Fred Nelson, Fullerton Community Bank (Now Opus Bank)

More than anything else, I feel that since the first time we met I felt like I was in good hands and that you had my best interests in mind.

- Henry Uranga

I wanted to thank you for the exceptional assistance you and your team provided with the sales of my apartment buildings. I want you to know that I am very happy with the way things have turned out and I believe in no small part, couldn’t have happened without your brokerage skills.

- Jackie Desfosses
“You are a master at the craft of real estate brokerage and sales. You were patient with us throughout the process of evaluation and the listing of assets. You are a real estate mensch and it was a pleasure working with you.”
- Lois Miller
“Thank you so much for helping us to sell our apartment building in Inglewood. The property needed to be sold for the last fourteen years so that the trust could run its course and the beneficiaries could receive their inheritance. You had great skills in working with diverse personalities and keeping everyone happy.”
- Laurie Last
“I had the privilege working with Josh when I decided to sell my apartment building which had been in the family for over 40 years. Because I grew up in the apartment, I had much attachment and many memories. Josh’s expertise helped me to evaluate and put things into perspective.”
- Walter Kim

“You and I had been talking about this property sale for years, and I appreciate your numerous evaluations through the years and patience with waiting for the right timing on my end.”

- Alan Ohst

Your professionalism and experience allowed me to feel comfortable that each of my transactions were in good hands. Even though we encountered some hiccups on the sale due to the capital market crunch you were able to negotiate a timely close and ensure that we could then move quickly into the up-leg search for my exchange property. Your team deserves a pat on the back as well, as they were always available and extremely helpful and truly were an asset to the entire process. Please thank them for me.

- Calvin Jue

Simply put, this was the easiest purchase we have made. Throughout the process I was expecting some sort of “hiccup” but, was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly you managed the process.

- Bryan Murphy, Bm Lindsey Inc.

We want to thank you for your excellent performance as the listing agent on your recent disposition of one of our bank-owned assets. Our quarter ended on a high note, in no small part, because of your brokerage performance. We were informed of the status of the deal at all times and appreciated the hawkish oversight of the timelines and parties involved.

- Greg Bloyd, Christie Allan, Vice Presidents, Citizens Business Bank

This transaction required very diligent effort on your behalf. There were a few challenges during the transaction that you handled in a supremely professional manner that only someone with your experience could accomplish.

- Dan Le

It was a difficult decision both to sell my property and equally challenging to choose a good agent. Your persistence paid off, and I can honestly say that I am glad the partners and I selected you – you met and exceeded all of our expectations.

- Ed Roupinian

I can only say that I was very pleased with the work you and your staff provided. I would be more than happy to serve as a reference for anyone who is thinking about selling their properties.

- Gabriella Arvig

We have just completed, what we thought would be a complicated group of transactions. We have been extremely pleased with the results due to your knowledge. All these transactions went through without a hitch. Thank you again for the extremely professional job you have done for us.

- Jerry And Elanor Garretson

We had known you for years, but when we received an unsolicited offer for the property we were very tempted to just take it. As you know, after a long decision-making process, we decided to hove you list the property. What a great decision!

- Gordon Chen

Although there were a myriad of issues and unexpected turns during this transaction, you navigated through each issue with tact and confidence. I was appreciative of the fact that you were always available and that you directed the transaction so that it was constantly moving forward.

- James H. Rivin

“We have known each other for a long time and finally did our first deal together! You and your team were professional, organized, and efficient in keeping this deal moving forward and getting us to what we needed to ensure a smooth and timely close.”

- Alya L.
“Our family values loyalty immensely and we are very careful on to whom we give an opportunity to earn our trust. Thus, we are happy to report that you exceeded our expectations on all levels and we now consider you more than just an apartment broker – you are now a friend of our family!”
- Paul M
“As you know, the proceeds from the sale of the property are going into a Charitable Remainder Trust. Not only were you exceptional in communicating and managing all parties in the transaction, but you exceeded my expectations of proceeds from the sale.”
- Donna A.

“I have worked with many real estate professionals, Josh. And I can certainly state with confidence that you are one of the best out there!”

- Charlie Rosenberg