Keeping Calm During a Panemic

  • 17220 Grevillea
  • Kitchen at 17220 Grevillea
  • Bathroom at 17220 Grevillea

17220 Grevillea, Lawndale
16-unit Apartment Building

The sale of 17220 Grevillea in Lawndale posed some unique problems due to market timing that was out of anyone’s control. In the middle of the escrow, the COVID 19 situation grew to new proportions, and the nation’s social-isolation policies took effect. This obviously had an impact on the proceedings, but Josh was able to keep the Buyer and Seller calm and the property closed relatively smoothly, all things considered. Additionally, Josh checked in with lender daily to make sure they closed with the terms promised a the start of the transaction. In a time when the majority of escrows and listings were being cancelled or withdrawn, Josh was able to keep this deal together, and even sold the property above list price!

Prior to the COVID dilemmas, The Cohen Group’s marketing plan generated 9 offers in total, with 7 of them being all cash! Utilizing our Best and Final Process, Josh was able to pit the various Buyers against themselves, bidding up the sale price for the Seller. It is important to utilize an apartment broker like Josh that can help keep an even keel through uncertain times.

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